Thursday, December 20, 2007


ok I've moved one of my blogs to, and its not the easiest task in the world. For the novice, I recommend a generous portion of time with a healthy desert of patience, and you're going to have to chase it down with a pot of coffee. Black!

However I needed a place to host my sites and these people cost the same as everyone else but will let me host an unlimited number of sites for the same price, and they have EXCELLENT tech support which for this NOOB it is more than necessary!

I have zero previous experience with writing editing code or even knowing what the basics of the inner workings of the internet. I could post in a blog, and that was about it....but now, and with the help of the friendly tech staff at bluehost. com, I'm starting to feel a bit more confident, by my third site, I'm certain I'll have my process down.

Anyway, if you're reading this it's probably because you're interested in how to monetize a blog site...and if so then you should help your own future blogging Karma along by clicking on some of the links to the right. It won't cost you a dime, but it will put one in my account!! So far I have 12 of them, haha, not a bad start if I do say so myself!

Anyway, I learned today that this bit of code:

a href="http://www.excellentfootwork. com/blog">com/blog">Visit excellentfootwork!

makes my url point to my blog at, at least that's what i think it does, my site would not come up earlier today until i found this bit of code on an unrelated site having to do with how to code in html....

I was led to that site by the tech staff and mainly by trial and error and a few hours of hunting around on the site that I found the code, I then plugged it into Wordpress using the HTML editor and crossed my fingers.....well it worked. My first site is up you can find it at:

There will be more content in the coming weeks so favorite it so that you can track my progress.

In closing I would like to say that this is not this is not for the light at heart, if you have patience, have a go, if you have $2,000.00 to spend and don't mind parting with it, have someone do it for you! I'd rather keep my money and learn how this all works....but that's just me, I would probably be better off just getting more sleep.

Anyway, check out Bluehost, the button is to the right!

Cheers everyone,


*****(there are some parts of the above html code missing as it will make a link to my blog if i complete the code, i edited it so that you can see what it looks like, neat right?, anyway if you need help with this part, drop me an email and i'll show you how)

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