Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Why $3.46 Is So Exciting...Still Yawning??

Here's a partial list of some of the wonderful things about monetizing a blog or website which keeps me up at night.

Last night I made $3.46 on this blog from a person in New Zealand!

Thank You New Zealand!!

Now some of you are still yawning at the idea of earning $3.46 from some person in New Zealand whom you will never meet who may never patronize your site again, whom just popped in out of the blue, clicked some links and clicked happily off into the void again, perhaps never to be seen again, but then again maybe so...who knows?

But it kind of reminds me of Sam Walton, the frugal billionaire who made his fortune 5 cents at a time selling bubble gum, toilet paper, toothpaste, pantyhose and other consumable goods at a slim margin to nice, good, hardworking people all over the US.

Except! Hold onto your hats people; The Difference is that our Opportunity Requires:
  1. No Stores
  2. No Employees
  3. No Major Capital Outlay
  4. No Distribution Channels
  5. No Consumable Goods
  6. No Risk

And the list goes on and on.

Basically what we have here is like owning a store that sells information, and that store has the ability to generate $3.46 or much, much more per visitor.

I live in a tourist area and I think of the store keepers who sell trinkets and key chains for $3.46 to nice people who are visiting from New Zealand and am amazed that WE happen to be at the right place at the right time with this brand new opportunity to generate income with very little overhead selling to people who are on the other side of the planet, whom we will never meet and whom have never even left their homes.

If that doesn't excite you then I don't know what will.


Important Site Stats: (provided by Google Analytics)

64 Visits (that's 64visits/9 users = 7.11 visits per visitor!)

9 Absolute Unique Visitors (thus far)

210 Pageviews

3.28 Average Pageviews

00:06:24 Time on Site

40.62% Bounce Rate (very important, more on this in another post)

14.06% New Visits

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